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Gleichstellung und Diversität

Prof. Kathleen B. Digre

Gastprofessorin 01.02.2014–31.07.2014

Die Universität Zürich (UZH) hat Prof. Kathleen B. Digre von der University of Utah als erste Hedi-Fritz-Niggli Gastprofessorin ernannt. Sie forschte und lehrte  im Frühlingssemester 2014 an der Medizinischen Fakultät der UZH. Kathleen B. Digre ist spezialisiert in Neuro-Ophthalmologie und Kopfschmerz. Sie ist ausserdem Direktorin des Utah Center of Excellence in Women’s Health.

Porträit Prof. Kathleen B. Digre
Prof. Kathleen B. Digre

Persönliches Statement

I was honored to be the first Hedi Fritz-Niggli Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Medicine. My working and teaching in the Department of Ophthalmology, my working with the School of Medicine on their Gender Equality Action Plan, Filling the Gap, and my being a part of the Gender Equality Office were all rewarding to me personally, and also invigorated my efforts in improving gender equality in medicine. Gaining insights into challenges that face women physicians and academicians in Switzerland helped me to identify not only local issues but also obstacles that women face in academic medicine everywhere. I loved getting to know the country of Switzerland and its history, customs, and strenghts. Some of the people I met will be life-long friends. This was a multi-directional learning experience that will assist women to continue to make advances at the University of Zurich.