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Gender Equality and Diversity

Inge Strauch Visiting Professorship

Inge Strauch Visiting Professorship 2019–22

The University of Zurich aims to achieve a balanced representation of women and men at all levels and in all functions, and wants to increase the proportion of female professors in particular. The University has been committed to this policy since 2006 as part of its Gender Policy Code of Conduct.

The Inge Strauch program enables the faculties to invite internationally renowned female professors to the University of Zurich to serve as role models for junior academics.

The Inge Strauch visiting professorship is fully funded by the UZH Strategic Reserves.

Who Was Inge Strauch?

Prof. Dr. Inge Strauch (1932–2017) was appointed to the University of Zurich in 1976 as full professor of clinical psychology. She was the first female full professor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and held the position of Vice President for Research and Teaching from 1992 to 1998.

As a member of the Executive Board of the University, Inge Strauch was instrumental in establishing the unit that later became the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity, and as Vice President she was also involved in moving the University in the direction of becoming an autonomous institution. After her professorial retirement in 1999, Inge Strauch went on to be President of the Senior Citizens’ University for five years.

What Is the Inge Strauch Visiting Professorship?

The visiting professors will be invited to the University of Zurich for a period of two to six months, during which time they will be involved in research and teaching activities.

Each visiting professorship includes a framework program aimed at increasing the visiting professors’ visibility as role models. The faculties, the visiting professors, the Gender Equality Commission and the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity jointly specify and carry out the framework program. In addition, each visiting professor will hold a public lecture about her research.

The Inge Strauch visiting professorship is a continuation of the Hedi Fritz-Niggli Visiting Professorship 2014-18. The name change was decided by the Executive Board of the University on 15 May 2018 to draw attention to female academics from various fields and faculties.

How Can Your Faculty Be Part of the Inge Strauch Visiting Professorship Program?

The faculties select a visiting professor in accordance with their regulations and submit an application for a visiting professorship (see “Merkblatt Gastprofessorinnen und Gastprofessoren“ Professorships Department: Visiting Professors)

The faculties inform the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity about their plans no later than upon submission of their application.

The Professorships Department issues the visiting professors’ employment decrees.  

The faculties, the visiting professors, the Gender Equality Commission and the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity jointly specify and carry out the framework program.

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