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Gleichstellung und Diversität

Online conference: Critical Gender and Diversity Knowledge. Challenges and Prospects

20-21 November 2020

Knowledge building in gender and diversity research

The conference Critical Gender and Diversity Knowledge. Challenges and Prospects discusses questions of knowledge building in gender and diversity research, equality politics and diversity management.

It is organzied by the Think Tank Gender & Diversity.

Contributions of the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity

Three members of UZH's Office for Gender Equality and Diversity participate in the conference.

Panel: Women leaders in academia and business

Dr. Christiane Löwe and Dr. Mihaela Falub take part in the panel Women leaders in academia and business, which provides an excellent opportunity to learn about:

  • Leadership experiences from women top leaders
  • What institutions can do to increase the number of women in senior leadership roles
  • How the meaning/understanding of leadership has to change that leading expert organizations become more attractive for women
  • Best practices across the different sectors: what works

Workshop: Academic recruitment: From “best practices” to “social practices”

PD Dr. Nina Jakoby takes part in the workshop Academic recruitment. From “best practices” to “social practices”.

Academic recruitment practices have been on the agenda since almost two decades, including the idea that recruitment committees have to be trained on the issue of implicit bias.

However, what has been neglected so far are the social practices through which bias against female academics is performed by the members of the recruitment committees.
