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Gleichstellung und Diversität

Experts’ exchange with Inger Lövkrona

On 5 July 2018, the project management team hosted Prof. Dr. Inger Lövkrona, Lund University, Sweden, for an informal experts’ exchange.

Inger Lövkrona is, besides her academic profile in ethnology, an expert for gender-integrated academic leadership. She designed (in cooperation with Kajsa Widén, HR Administration) the gender-integrated AKKA leadership program which ran from 2004 to 2015 at Lund University. She also developed (together with Prof. Tomas Brage and Ragnhild Möller, HR Resources Coordinator) the Mentoring for Change program for the Faculty of Science.

Inger Lövkrona evaluated the Gender Certification project and was a member of the project group for core values work at Lund University. She is a member of the steering group for the program offered on International Women’s Day at Lund University.

Prof. Lövkrona has received the Gunilla Jarlbro Award for important contributions to equal opportunities in academia.


Brage Tomas and Lövkrona Inger (eds.) Core values work in academia – with experiences from Lund University. Media Tryck, Lund University, 2016.

Description of the AKKA programme

Beate Böckem
